There are many things that are going through your mind after an automobile accident. Concerns about auto insurance coverage is a common worry. Treating the pain and other symptoms of any injuries you’ve received is likely another.
Fortunately, physical therapy can help ease the burden of dealing with injuries after an auto accident. This is no small thing for the nearly 4.8 million Americans who are injured in auto accidents. A physical therapist can help you learn what type of injury you’re dealing with. They can help you meet many different goals during the course of your physical therapy after an auto accident, too.
Three goals physical therapy after an auto accident can help you reach
There are many goals that you may be trying to reach after an auto accident injury. Physical therapy can help you meet many of your injury recovery goals. Some of the goals it can help you meet include:
- Effectively addressing injury symptoms — Car accidents can lead to injuries in many parts of your body, such as your neck. Often, you may experience pain, stiffness, decreased mobility and other symptoms from car accident injuries. Physical therapists can evaluate you to determine what type of injury you’re facing and help you find effective treatment for the injury and its symptoms.
- Returning to work faster — Another reason to seek help from physical therapists after an auto accident is they can help you get back to work faster. Muscle strains, whiplash and other car accident injuries can take time to recover and make working more difficult. The treatment options that physical therapists offer can help decrease your time out of work by:
- Reducing your pain.
- Evaluating your functional capacity.
- Conditioning your body to perform work tasks you do regularly.
- Avoiding injury effects in the future — You would think that auto accident injury symptoms appear right after an accident. In most cases, you would be right. However, other people don’t develop symptoms until days, weeks or even years after their injury occurs. Whiplash is one common auto accident injury that can lead to future issues, especially if it’s not treated immediately after your accident. Physical therapists can help identify injuries that you weren’t aware of after an accident and help you address them. As a result, you may be less likely to develop future problems related to untreated injuries.
Back in Motion offers top-notch physical therapy you can use after an auto accident
Seeking high-quality help after an auto accident? You can find just what you’re looking for at Back in Motion Physical Therapy. Our team has experience treating a wide range of motor vehicle accident injuries, and we offer free screenings that can help you start addressing your injuries. Your injuries can also benefit from the personalized treatment plans we provide for each patient we work with.
Contact us today for more information about how we can help with your auto accident injury or to schedule an initial appointment to start treating your injury.