Three types of physical therapy for shoulder pain

Shoulder pain can be caused by everything from injury to aging, and it is very common. Research suggests that lifetime prevalence of shoulder pain could be as high as 70% among the general population. This is because we ask a lot of our shoulders. Injuries occur because we need our arms to lift heavy loads and carry out complex mechanical actions. If you add the stresses of sports that require forceful swings, such as golf, tennis or baseball, shoulder pain can be even more likely among athletes. 

Physical therapy for shoulder pain is such an effective treatment because it not only offers pain relief and improved functioning, but it can also improve the long-term health of your shoulders and potentially prevent reinjury. If you’re suffering from shoulder pain and looking for relief, learning about the specific types of physical therapy treatments can help you make an informed decision about your care. 

Finding the right type of shoulder pain physical therapy for you

Since everyone is different and shoulder pain can be caused by such a wide range of factors, effective physical therapy treatments are typically part of a customized program. To determine the right therapeutic course for you, your therapist needs to perform a thorough evaluation, including a medical history review, a discussion of symptoms and a physical examination.

With this information, you can work together to create a targeted treatment plan that includes the following: 

  1. Strengthening exercises — These are targeted movements designed to strengthen the muscles and connective tissue that connect the arms to the upper body.
  2. Range-of-motion exercises — Your therapist can also provide instruction on performing exercises that are designed to increase flexibility and mobility in the shoulder as well as learn movements that reduce stress. 
  3. Manual therapies — Physical therapists are also trained to perform hands-on techniques that help to loosen up painful regions and mobilize the shoulder joint. 

Physical therapy should also stress a healthy lifestyle outside of the clinic, and your therapist can discuss changes and activity modifications that may work for you. 

Personalized physical therapy for shoulder pain at Back in Motion

The entire Back in Motion Physical Therapy team is highly experienced and believes in compassionate, patient-centered care. When you come to us, we will work with your busy schedule and match you with the therapist who is the best fit for your needs and lifestyle. 

If shoulder pain is keeping you away from the people and activities that you love, contact us today. We can help you schedule your initial appointment at the location that is right for you.

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