Five reasons why it’s important to have physical therapy after surgery

Deciding to undergo any type of surgery constitutes a significant life event. It can be a large source of stress and anxiety because there’s so much that goes into ensuring a successful procedure, from choosing a surgeon to making your pre- and post-operative preparations. 

Even if the surgery itself goes as smoothly as possible, your personal recovery journey is just beginning. In many ways, the recovery and rehabilitation process can be as important as the procedure. Even minor surgery involves trauma to the body, and depending on the type of procedure you undergo, there may be some physical adjustment needed. For example, patients who undergo hip replacements will need to learn how to move properly with an artificial hip.

This is why physical therapy and surgery are so closely associated during the recovery phase. To help you gain a better understanding of why physical therapy after surgery is important, we’re sharing the following informative overview. 

Physical therapy and surgery — key benefits

When you see a physical therapist for regular sessions after a surgical procedure, here are the benefits you can enjoy: 

  1. Increased blood flow and circulation — It’s important to get blood flowing to the surgical area, both to help with healing and reduce the risk of complications like blood clots. Physical therapy helps with guided exercises and manual therapies. 
  2. Immediate joint and soft tissue mobilization — Immobility is one of the biggest foes in the recovery phase, but it can be difficult to get moving. Therapists are trained in targeted techniques to help you restore normal movement in the surrounding areas.
  3. Reduced pain and inflammation — Whether through hands-on techniques or other interventions, physical therapists can break up painful tissue and help reduce swelling to ease symptoms after surgery. 
  4. Improved strength and range of motion — Not only do surgical patients need to develop strength and mobility due to the procedure itself, but in many cases the injury or condition that warranted the procedure also resulted in immobility. 
  5. Quicker resumption of normal activities — By committing to a physical therapy program, patients recovering from surgery can often get back to daily activities in a shorter time span.

When searching for a therapist, patients should focus on finding one with the right mix of skills and experience and who takes a patient-centric approach to care. 

Back in Motion Physical Therapy can help you recover after surgery

Whether you’ve recently undergone a procedure or you’re in the process of scheduling one, we can help. Our compassionate and experienced team can assess your needs and work closely with your surgical team to provide the continuity of care you need. 

To learn more and schedule an initial appointment, contact us today.

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